Apache Calcite vs Apache Flink

September 20, 2021

Apache Calcite vs Apache Flink

Welcome to another Flare Compare Team post! We know that choosing between two technologies can be like trying to pick between two different flavors of ice cream. But don't worry, we're here to help you make an informed decision!

Today's topic is Apache Calcite and Apache Flink. Both of these are open-source big data technologies, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. Let's dive in!

Apache Calcite

Apache Calcite is a SQL parser, validator, and optimizer framework. Its main strength is in optimizing SQL queries for your data processing engine. It can transform queries to run on different big data technologies like Apache Spark, Apache Storm, Apache Hadoop, and many more.

On the other hand, Apache Calcite is not meant to be a data processing engine by itself. If you're looking for a fully-featured data processing engine, you should consider other technologies like Apache Flink.

Apache Flink

Apache Flink is a data processing engine, that specializes in stream processing but can also handle batch processing. Its main strength is in its fault tolerance, the ability to handle failures without losing data or having to restart.

It also has excellent performance and scalability, able to handle large-scale data processing efficiently. And because it is also easy to use, Apache Flink is an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes.


To compare these two big data technologies, we will look at some key metrics and features.

Ease of Use

Both Apache Calcite and Apache Flink offer easy to use APIs and documentation to help you get started. However, Apache Calcite is primarily designed to be used as a component in a bigger data processing engine, so it may feel more complicated if used alone.

Apache Flink, on the other hand, is designed to be a complete data processing engine with minimal setup, and configuration, making it more user-friendly.


Apache Calcite's main focus is on query optimization, so its performance is dependent on the underlying data processing engine. On the other hand, Apache Flink's performance is top-notch as it is a complete data processing engine.

Additionally, Apache Flink's streaming capabilities provide near real-time processing, and its distributed processing enables it to handle even the most massive data processing tasks.

Fault Tolerance

Apache Flink is designed to have high fault tolerance, ensuring that processing tasks run from start to finish even when a part of the system fails. This feature makes it ideal for critical systems that require continuous operation. Although Apache Calcite doesn't implement fault tolerance, it's not necessary to handle it as it functions as a component in a larger data processing engine.


Overall, it comes down to what you need in your data processing environment as both Apache Calcite and Apache Flink are excellent technologies depending on your requirements.

If you're looking for a complete data processing engine with excellent performance and fault tolerance, Apache Flink fits the bill.

If you're looking for a reliable SQL parser, validator, and optimizer framework to use in a data processing engine, Apache Calcite could be the technology for you.


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